“Farm Girls” – released by Riverplace Press of Brainerd, MN, co-written with my sister, Candace Simar.
Two sisters (Candace Simar and Angela Foster), reminisce in poetry and prose as they return to the family farm and share the triumphs and trials of their immigrant forbears on Lakeland Public Television’s Common Ground
For information regarding this workshop tour, click here.
Thanks for visiting my website. I am a writer, creative writing teacher, and editor from Pine City, Minnesota. If you are interested in booking a class, a speaking engagement, or editing services, please contact me.
I love to teach creative writing and am passionate about helping people write their stories.
Please register for my blog updates. I post writing prompts, contests, and writing news. Just click on the register link on the bottom right-hand side of this page, fill in your name and e-mail address and an e-mail will automatically be sent to your in-box each time I post.
Below are comments made by my students:
“I love Angela’s teaching style. She is so approachable and has such an easy way of imparting knowledge.”
“Thank you for having Angela—good workshop, inspiring and practical!”
“Very good class. Angela was/is great. Made me think and get my creative juices going, inspiring me to write.”
“Terrific for experienced and non writers both.”